
Being a mother is about . . .


watching the solemn, unfocused  little newborn face  start to make eye contact and light up with recognition and a hint of a question mark,

supporting the tiny head with your palm till she’s strong enough to stop it bobbing,

seeing her first toothless smile light up her beautiful eyes and fill your heart with a joy you’ve never known before,

releasing  the  arm trapped uncomfortably under her chest on her first attempt at rolling over,

seeing her amazement when she first rolls over and finds everything look different,

anticipating outstretched arms and lifted bottom when you approach the crib, an imperious “A-a-y”, meaning, ”Pick me up”,

applauding her when she learns to creep, crawl and eventually stand up and toddle unsteadily, for these are attained with a lot of hard work,

celebrating her obvious sense of freedom as she runs and climbs and laughs with abandon,

enjoying her wonder at the new things she discovers, like how a new toy works,


It is about. . .

watching that tiny pink mouth open for the nice nutritious mish-mash you’ve lovingly boiled and prepared for her,

keeping her clean and dry all day by understanding her signals of distress, like squirming or crying,

hugging her close, feeling the warm softness of her little body, breathing in her baby smell of soap and talcum powder and milk,

combing out the silky hair or soft curls, or caressing the little bald head!

looking into those wide-open, innocent eyes and knowing there’s nothing purer than that clear gaze,

sharing little games that get her gurgling and make you laugh…

It’s about…

being around, available when she needs you, sensing when she needs you, tuning in to her frequency, being connected,

It’s about…

enjoying your baby, as she will soon become your little girl, then your big girl, and go away to college in just eighteen short years. . .

7 thoughts on “Motherhood

  1. What delightful pictures – in photographs and in words. You magically transported me back 9 years to relive all those precious memories of when my son was a baby. Motherhood is priceless!


  2. I am an expectant mother due any time now and this article has only made me feel so much more closer and looking forward to my baby who is gently kicking and squirming inside me all the time
    so yes i know what to wait and watch for and also so much more to look to, gently siding away motherhood anxieties i experience once in a while


  3. It’s true motherhood makes a woman complete, and this could not have been more beautiful than the way you have presented it!


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